Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Begining of The End

47 days to go. 47 days to do whatever it was I planned to do in my 20's but never did. Since I can't remember what those things were I'm going to stop crying over the what ifs and start heading towards the why not's.

Why not do whatever it is I've always wanted to do, but do it when I'm 30? Is 30 really the end of the world? Is 30 the new 20? And was being 20 all that good to begin with?

Here's a top 10 list of what I've accomplished in my 20's thus far:

1. Lost 55lbs, gained back 15, lost 15, gained 15 currently trying to lose 15 again.
2. Graduated college...slowly
3. Met husband
4. Married said husband
5. Went to 8 Disco Biscuits New Year's in a row
6. Bought a house after living in 9 apartments over the course of 8 years.
7. Had 8 jobs and only fired from one..currently miserable at current job.
8. Thought about applying to graduate school for the last 6 years.. only got as far as the first paragraph on the essay.
9. Became a resident of South Jersey and have decided to embrace it with large hair and trips to the Jersey Shore.
10. Been out of the country 3 times, Canada, Israel and Jamaica ... Irie Mon...

So I pose these questions: Do we really grow up all that much? Do we change who we are just because of the number attached to us? Can we have things like husbands, houses, dogs maybe children and still maintain the person we always thought we'd grow up to be?

I've lived a decade of 20's.. Will I now live a decade of 30's with the same regrets and what ifs? And are those regrets and what ifs the product of my own procrastination, my own fear of success?

Or am I just obsessed with myself too selfish to realize that all of this is just made up to make myself feel important?

I guess we shall see.....