Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Or more appropriately, how should I be spending my money? This question came about after spending several hours arguing on Phantasy Tour about a guy who's wife asked him to stop smoking pot because it was too much of a finance. Of course I was berated for agreeing with the wife because we all know how much smoking pot is the most important thing ever. The fact that I'm almost 30 years old and still arguing with random nameless people on Phantasy Tour is a whole other post in and of itself.

Meanwhile, the problem here is how should I be spending what little money I have? This month alone I had an exceeding large increase in extra cash due to the fact that all my credit cards were paid off. I had in fact about 350 dollars worth of extra money to just throw away, this was after I already saved 250 dollars.

So what did I do with it? Well the logical thing to do would probably have been to put another 100 dollars into savings. I didn't do that. The next thing may have been to give some extra money to my car payment. I didn't do that either. What I did do was go to the mall and spend 150 dollars at Twenty by Twenty, yes the Forever 21 store because even as I turn 30 I will always be 21 in my heart.

To spend 150 dollars at Forever 21 you need to purchase at least 8 things, which I did with much success. I found cute hipster dresses, some snap button blouses, a skirt, a cardigan and a jacket for 9 dollars. At my birthday party in a few weeks I will look 21 and hopefully feel no more than 27.

Then I moved onto Urban Outfitters, which I only buy things from the sale rack unless it's a bag that I can't live without. This time it was only for stockings which cost 18 dollars, a bit expensive but they were exactly what I was looking for.

I also bought a necklace online.

A ticket to see the Disco Biscuits on my birthday.

30 dollars on my train pass to get work.

Dinner at my favorite Diner.

Several stops at WAWA.

And a withdrawl for 20 dollars to go to the movies to see the Wolfman.. which I would like my 20 dollars back please.

Total I have 49.72 dollars left until this Friday when I get paid again. In which case I will have to pay my mortgage and get my hair done so I will have about an excess of 200 dollars give or take.

So what to do with that 200 dollars. Most likely it will go to gas or train rides. Perhaps another shopping trip, it's almost spring you know. I will probably buy another book on Amazon or look for shoes.

But what should I be doing with my money at 30 years old? Investing it? I don't know if I trust the 401K to be there when I need it. Savings account? It seems no sooner do I fill the savings account then I drain it on something for the house or for my car. So let's say I spend it on more clothes or shoes or eating or reading, who's to say that isn't where I should be spending the money? If a shirt makes me happy shouldn't I buy it? If buying shoes I can barely walk in but are gorgeous fill me with delight shouldn't I purchase them and sit them on my shelf to admire? If all we have in this life is the things we collect throughout the years, shouldn't we be collecting the things we love most?

The only thing left to save for really is my granite countertop in my kitchen. In 10 years time I will be able to save for that, in the meantime I can afford the 20 dollar slave labor made dresses from Forever 21 and I can wear until about two weeks later when they fall apart.

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